
JFM Beginnings
Steps of Gold
JFM Theme Song
JFM Book Cover
JFM Banner

Steps of Gold & Juicy Fruits Ministry Partnership


JFM and Steps of Gold are endeavoring to reach out to the children in our local communities to help educate families in Hispanic history, encourage cultural awareness and

spiritual growth through performing arts.



Daniel and Yvette Salinas, along with their children have been participants for over ten years and have developed a love and desire to help broaden the Steps of Gold Dance Studio.



Our goal is to help children achieve their experience of fulfillment in character, self-worth and the motivation to gain greater success in their education and career goals. We appreciate the creativity the Lord has given our children and we hope to share this gift with others to bring joy and happiness into their homes.



Support comes in many forms, and JFM especially

wants to be able to help support children and their families.




You shall again be adorned with your tambourines, and shall go forth in the Dances of those who Rejoice!

Jeremiah 31:4

Steps of Gold Academy II

Steps of Gold Acadmey I & II

Steps of Gold Academy I

"Thanks You Quotes"