Every day in our communities there are families in need of food, shelter, counseling, recreational
programs and a host of other things, which most of us have and take for granted. Juicy Fruits Ministry is already doing
something to aid and assist the unfortunate among our neighbors, but we want to do more! The need is greater than the resources at our disposal.
Sharing the Vision of Love & Hope
Your prayers are well appreciated as we move forward in this adventure.
We know that heaven has already begun it's plans for us and we are excited to see it all
come to pass.
JFM Scriptual Promise
Commit your works to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established.
Proverbs 16:3 NKJV
We appreciate your tax-deductible contribution to our non-profit organization
(Juicy Fruits Ministry) this will allow us to continue our effort and expand this scope of
Please Mail Contributions
Juicy Fruits Ministry
12918 Hadley Street
Whittier, CA 90601