Mary Ybarra
has been a friend to Yvette Salinas for 25 years. They attended Jr. High and High School together. Mary and Yvette are so
grateful to the Lord for uniting them as friend so long ago. They are working hard to help other women in hardship and to
share their love they have found in each other.
Why I became involved with JFM:
Raising 3 children on my own,
I know the struggles that single mothers encounter. Having been divorced for over 7 years, I've experienced challenges in
my life and at times felt very alone. In this group of women one will always find someone to relate with. Juicy Fruits Ministry
has put people in my life that have become like family to me. I will always be grateful for the love I have been given
from the ladies of this ministry

Maria Patrick was born in the Philippines. She was raised by her
grandmother and came to United States to join her mother when she was 15 years old. Maria has worked for the L.A. County for
26 years as an Eligibility Worker. During these times she has balanced a career with raising 4 children. Graduated from Cottonwood
Christian Centers School of Ministry in June 2003. Pursuing her Bachelors Degree in Theology by attending International School
of Ministry.
Maria met Yvette Salinas in 2002 and started attending Juicy Fruits Ministry meetings and gatherings.
God has put the desire in Maria's heart to serve abused women and children. It became obvious to maria that God orchestrated
the meeting between her and Yvette because, they had the same vision and heart for abused women and children. Maria joined
the Juicy Fruit Ministry staff in the year 2003. Maria is very grateful to Juicy Fruit Ministry for helping her in time of
need, prayers and finances. She would like to return the favor by helping other women. God is certainly with this Ministry.

Yvette and I used to talk
about how God was going to use our trails on day to minister to others. It was hard to imagine that the dark valleys we had
gone through would one day be a testimony to other women of God's faithfulness. God enable me to do what I feared most, sharing
a testimony in a room full of women. Juicy Fruits is a wonderful ministry to be involved in because it ministers to women
and children who are in need of support through love (Jesus Christ). All of the women on the Juicy Fruits staff are so dedicated.
They have faithfully answered to the call of Jesus to be a "servant to all". We have laughed together, cried together, and
praised His holy name together. I just feel so blessed that God consider me and allow me to be used by Him in such an awesome
Yvette Salinas Founder |
Donna Arambula Secretary |
This ministry was started by a women named Yvette Salinas and another
women in her home when she open up her doors. Yvette Salinas is a lupus and cancer survivor and shares her strong faith and
holy belief in our Father in Heaven. She professes the Love of Jesus for healing and helping people through difficult times.
This is what we want to share with the world, that Jesus is our personal Lord and Savior, and it is through times of difficulties
as well as times of pleasure and comfort that He is always with us. Today I heard somthing on the radio that hit me hard,
because that is how I see so many people live. People in the day of Jesus did not beleive in Him because they wanted prestige
and honor, they could not humble themselves to seek God's face. So they crucified Him and killed an innocent, sinless Man.
I see the world today, especially where we live, in the comfort of our homes and our careers. People don't want to seek God
for they are comfortable and they feel they don't need Him. That is the biggest mistake anyone could make. For we all need
God, we all need Jesus. It is through Christ our Lord that is which we are saved. I love the Lord with all my heart and know
that He is real and I know that this ministry will become a life saving mission.
This ministry has begun, but it will never end.
In Love Donna Arambula
JFM Vision & Plans